Updated Customer Chat and New Web Chat

July 22, 2021

Enhanced Customer Chat Dashboard:

We've upgraded the entire Customer Chat tab to make it more informative than ever before. As you exchange live messages, you can now simultaneously view key customer information including:

  • Live activity feed (e.g. Cart Started, Cart Abandoned, Checkout Started, Reservation Requested, Ticket Completed)
  • Customer profile (name, email, phone number, birthday
  • Total spend history
  • Total visit history
On the TablelistPro dashboard

Live Web Chat:

If your venue has an instant booking widget, we've added a built-in web chat feature that allows your customers to message you directly through your website.

  • Customers will log in or sign up for Tablelist in order to send you a message
  • Both web chat messages and SMS text messages appear on the widget and on the TablelistPro dashboard
  • Just like before, you can instantly reply through TablelistPro
On your widget

On the TablelistPro dashboard